30 May

EMBO practical course: Measuring translational dynamics by ribosome profiling

After being postponed due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the EMBO practical course on measuring translational dynamics by ribosome profiling could finally take place from May 17th to 25th 2021 in a virtual format. 16 participants from research labs across the globe discussed intensively with ten speakers and 12 trainers about how to perform ribosome profiling experiments. Pre-recorded talks provided insight into the different aspects of the technique and used recent examples to illustrate how ribosome profiling can be used to further our understanding of translation and its regulation. Furthermore, Pavel ‘Pasha’ Baranov and his team from the University College Cork provided an excellent online tutorial on the bioinformatic analyses of ribosome data.

I am particular grateful  for the insightful talks provided by Nicholas Ingolia (UC Berkeley), Marina Rodnina (MPI Göttingen), Rachel Green (Johns Hopkins), Anne Willis (University of Cambridge), Thomas Preiss (Australia National University), Gerben Menschaert (Ghent University), and Vladimir Benes (EMBL Heidelberg) that made the curse a big success. Also, on behalf of all organizers, I would like to thank Lisa Trinh, Diah Yulianti, Irena Provaznikova (from the EMBL Courses and Conferences Office) and in particular Yvonne Yeboah (form the EMBL teaching lab) for their daily support. Finally, without the expertise of my co-organizers Elisabeth Zielonka (EMBL Heidelberg), Sebastian Leidel (University of Bern), and Pavel ‘Pasha’ Baranov (University College Cork) it would not have been possible to host this course.

Above: Short explanatory movie on ribosome profiling. I would like to thank Daniel Krüger, Julia Schleisiek, Claudiu Grozea, and in particular Yvonne Yeboah and Sebastian Leidel for production of the video. More information on the movie can be found here.

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