Ribosome Profiling Practical Course
An EMBO practical course on Measuring Translation Dynamics by Ribosome Profiling is coming up in May 2020. Fantastic speakers are supporting the course including Nicholas Ingolia (University of California, Berkeley, USA), Rachel Green (Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA), Thomas Preiss (The Australian National University, Canberra, AU), Anne Willis (University of Cambridge, UK), Marina Rodnina (Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, DE), and Gerben Menschaert (BIOBIX, University of Ghent, BE). The Couse is organized by Sebastian Leidel, Pavel Baranov and Jan Medenbach and will include numerous lectures as well as hands-on training on how to perform ribosome profiling experiments and how to analyze the data. More information will be available soon on the EMBL courses website.