EMBL Photobooth
The EMBO Meeting on Protein Synthesis and Translational Control: Not only great resarch and exciting science, but also great fun! Cool idea to have a photobooth and costumes available on the last day!
It was a great conference where I learned a lot. Also the atmosphere was very nice, I really enjoyed the meeting!
– Rebecca Moschall, PhD student
That was the first conference for me and it was a really exciting experience! Great talks, great people and lots of science… Can’t wait for the next one!
– Simona Palusci, visiting scientist
In sum: a great conference with great talks and good posters! It was also about meeting really friendly people and learning a lot about this research field. Also I am very happy that from our lab Becki had the opportunity to give a talk on her work.
– Stefan Reich, PhD student
It was exciting to get new insights into translational control and to discuss with other people! Particularly, the combination of structural biology and functional analyses is really great!
– Daniela Strauss, Research technician