New coworker: Stefan Reich
We have a new colleague in the lab! We are very happy to announce that beginning of the month Stefan Reich has joined the lab as a PhD student! Stefan will work on deciphering the cellular reprogramming of translation during the unfolded protein response. Within the BMBF-funded SUPR-G network (Systems Biology of the Unfolded Protein Responsse in Glioma) he will collaborate with the groups of Christiane Knobbe-Thomsen (Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf), Robert Ahrends (Leibniz Institute for Analytical Biosciences, ISAS, Dortmund), Grischa Tödt (European Molecular Biology Laboratory, EMBL, Heidelberg), and Björn Tews (German Cancer Research Center, DKFZ, Heidelberg). Welcome to Regensburg and welcome to the lab!